Re-imagining Cody Decker

The first Cody Decker video I saw was Brad. Though I was amused, my immediate reaction was “who the fuck does this guy think he is?” Shouldn’t a career minor leaguer be working on his game rather than spending hours making tacky YouTube videos? Then, I peeped this interview with Keith Olbermann and my distaste for Decker went to a new level.

In the video, he appears in the outfit you see on the right and generally acts like Troy McClure from the Simpsons. “What justifies this dude’s arrogance?” I said to myself. He’s representing the organization, and acting like a jabronie on TV makes jabronies of us all. I wrote Decker off and, this being 2013, went back to cheering for Chris Denorfia, a real ballplayer.

So, spring training rolls around this year and Decker reignites my interest in him with a grand slam in a 10-3 win over the Rockies. I was in a good mood ‘cause grand slams are sick and the Rockies are fucking lame, so I decided to give open my narrow-ass mind and give Decker another look. Armed with the search engine “Google” I looked for some more Cody related media. First, I found this interview he did with some awkward kid. He spent a god-damned hour talking to that fool. To me, that shows humility and generosity. My perspective on Cody was starting to change. Then, I posted up on an interview from the Chihuahuas. What I once saw as arrogance, I now recognized as self-deprecation. Maybe I was the jabronie. Read more